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Watch: Saturn emerges from behind Moon in stunning video

In a breathtaking display of cosmic choreography, astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has captured a mesmerising video of Saturn emerging from behind the Moon.
The black-and-white clip, which has captivated stargazers and astronomy enthusiasts alike, offers a rare glimpse of two of our solar system’s most iconic celestial bodies in an intimate celestial dance.
McCarthy’s video shows the ringed planet slowly revealing itself from behind the Moon’s illuminated edge, creating a stark contrast between the bright lunar surface and the comparatively dim outline of Saturn.
The footage, captured using an infrared filter, provides a unique perspective that enhances the dramatic nature of the event.
According to McCarthy, the only post-processing applied to the clip was a slight brightening of the shadows, as Saturn appeared significantly darker than the full Moon.
This minimal editing ensures that viewers experience the event as close to real-time as possible, preserving the authenticity of this astronomical phenomenon.
Interestingly, while the emergence of Saturn was captured in black and white, McCarthy revealed that the ingress – the moment Saturn disappeared behind the Moon – was recorded in full color.
This dual approach to documenting the event offers viewers a comprehensive look at the occultation process.
Occultations, where one celestial body passes in front of another from an observer’s perspective, are relatively rare events. They provide astronomers and astrophotographers with valuable opportunities to study the movements and characteristics of celestial objects.
